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Fulfillment by Amazon, accounting by Quaderno

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a wonderful service. With the help of FBA you can supercharge your business by setting it up on top of Amazon’s world-leading supply chain.
You send your product off to their warehouses and let them do the hard, boring work of picking, packing and shipping your orders without you needing to get involved. Instead, you can focus on providing your customers with the massive value only you can, gently guiding them through the sales process and then invoi-
Wait. Invoicing… You skim through the FBA page looking for the word, but you weren’t wrong the first time - Amazon don’t seem to handle that. Now that you think about it, there’s no mention of handling sales tax, VAT or GST either… Suddenly, the dream of using Amazon’s logistical powerhouse to skyrocket your business into the stratosphere looks to be coming down in flames. What good is a turbo-speed warehousing setup without robust, scalable FBA accounting tools to support it?
Never fear, Quaderno is here! And we come armed with a brand new integration, one we’re sure will be music to the ears of all you FBA users. So how will we be able to help you?
Automatic tax calculation
Great as FBA is, it’s not geared for cross-territory selling. As a result, managing all your various tax rates and obligations becomes a nightmare. How can you keep on top of all of this by yourself?
Luckily, much like our other integrations, Quaderno can step in and take this burden off your hands. Thanks to our amazing tax-calculating algorithms, you can rest easy knowing that we’ve got you covered.
Amazon provides us with the location evidence we need, and we apply the correct taxes to your orders so that when it comes to tax returns time you don’t have to spend days frantically Googling for tax rates in far-off lands. You can just have a look at the invoices we quietly generated for you. Speaking of which...
Auto-magic invoicing
The second major pain Quaderno can solve will directly impact not only you, but also your customers. Proper invoices are essential for accounting pretty much everywhere outside of the US. FBA accounting is no different, and keeping up with yours once your supercharged supply chain takes off could be tricky.
In addition to this, a beautiful, professional invoice gives your business a leg up on pretty much every other seller your customer will encounter. This goes doubly for business customers, but everyone appreciates a finely-crafted financial document. Few things convey more legitimacy in a transaction, and people will keep coming back as a result.
Of course, they won’t have to know that your gorgeous invoices were all done for you by Quaderno - that can be our little secret.
With this integration, you’ll feel the benefits of Quaderno’s innovative automatic invoicing flow to make sure your customers get your invoice in their inboxes without you needing to intervene. Best of all, your customers will feel that same benefit, putting a nice cap on your slick order process and leaving a sweet taste in their mouths.
Setting up FBA accounting in Quaderno
Getting set up with our FBA integration couldn’t be easier.
All we need to get the ball rolling is your Merchant ID, Marketplace ID(s) and Auth Token (a.k.a your secret key).
If you don’t already have these details to hand, you can find them by going to your Amazon MWS web portal at one of the following addresses:
- USA:
- UK:
- Germany:
- France:
- Spain:
- Japan:
- Canada:
- And probably more we aren’t even aware of - whichever local Amazon you sell on!
Once there, click the Sign up for MWS button and enter your Amazon seller login details.
Choose the I want to access my own seller account with MWS option (or its translated equivalent). Click Next and read and accept the license agreement (if you do agree, of course!).
Once you click Submit you’ll see all of your relevant details. Take note of them (copy and paste them to a text or Word document, or screenshot them) and you’re ready to move forward with the integration.
Login to Quaderno and head to the Settings > Integrations page. Click the FBA logo and you’ll see a screen like the one below:
Now all you have to do is enter the details you just found for yourself on your MWS portal and hit Connect account to bring FBA and Quaderno into sweet, drudgery-destroying harmony.
Hit us up and let us know how good it feels to have an FBA accounting setup worthy of your shipping platform. We’re sure this is going to make life a lot easier for you.
With the power of this integration, plus all our other myriad options, you can have a business that handles all the boring stuff automatically (now including your FBA accounting) and gives you more time to kick ass at the important things.
Not a customer yet? What are you waiting for? Sign up for your FREE trial and experience the delight for yourself.
Note: At Quaderno we love providing helpful information and best practices about taxes, but we are not certified tax advisors. For further help, or if you are ever in doubt, please consult a professional tax advisor or the tax authorities.